Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Crossed my first finish line in over a year.

Long story short...its been a long year. I have lots of stories to tell and lots of pictures to share. I've climbed mountains, crossed borders by bicycle, been heart broken, fallen in love, learned the hard way, laughed harder than I thought possible and I've moved on.

A few days ago I broke a barrier. I thought for a while I'd never race again. I'd never put myself out there, I'd never let myself get wrapped up in competition...Well, for all the ups and downs my family at my bike shop helped me (without even knowing it), cross a small but important finish line. It was just a 5k race, but it was a very big deal to me. I'm back.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are terrific - I knew you could/would compete again. Glad this blog was not deleted it is a wonderful way to keep us all up to date. Can you link this to 'facebook?'