Monday, May 19, 2008

Newton Running shoes

Well after a week of waiting anxiously for my Newtons to arrive they are finally here!! I went out for a short 2 mile test drive this afternoon and so far so good. They come with all kinds of cool stuff too....socks, a mesh bag, a DVD and an extra pair of laces. Anyway, I can definitely tell that they are more comfortable to land on the forefoot than the heel but I think I have to try them out a few more times before I can really give a good review.

I ran the first mile with my custom orthotics and really had a hard time feeling the cushy-ness of the shoe, I think my orthotics are just to rigid. For the second mile I took them out and it was a lot more the way I thought the shoes would feel. Maybe I can move away from needing them?? We shall see....I might just have sore feet/arches tomorrow....I will write more when I have come to a consensus.

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