I wanted to make my own plan, instead of following a generic one for a couple reasons:
* I need to build my running mileage VERY slowly, and not do too much speed work too soon.
* I love biking, I can sit on my bike forever so I might as well take advantage of it.
* Most plans have you swim 3 days/week, I want to swim 4, so that I can get in 2-3 quality pool workouts and 1-2 open water swims..I love swimming in open water!
* I have Mike and my doggies to consider in my overly hectic schedule...and work too, I guess...
Anyway, I figured every once in a while I will post a page of my training plan so you can see what I've been doing. I just finished my first phase: Base 1. That is the first month of my training, where my body is getting used to everything I'm doing, my strength training is based on high reps, low weight, and there isn't anything to tough, YET. I'm in my recovery week currently (which I love!), today was Bike Time Trial day. (click it to enlarge)
A few things to know when reading it:
~The total weekly hours is the number in the left column
~The time for each activity is in hours:minutes to the right of the activity
~The word "zones" refers to my heart rate training zones (1 -> 5c = easy -> hard)
~Running is written in miles, not time
~My total mileage for the week (for running) is in the column to the right
~Sometimes I do a full 1:30 yoga class on Monday (like I'm supposed to), sometimes I break it into 3 - 30min Flexible Warrior videos through out the week
~the "swim 1:00" is not just straight swimming for an hour, I have a bunch of pool workouts with intervals, or its open water swimming.
I didn't follow everything exactly, as tends to happen life got in the way occasionally. But all the key stuff got done. (I skipped a lot of yoga....) A couple workouts got switched around too. I am going to try to stick to it as best I can. Look for the next month soon.
1 comment:
Kim, I've been keeping up on your blog and I found this one particularly interesting and informative. It is very well written and easy to read -and quite scientific! I think many runners will learn from your experiences. Nice work, keep it up.I look forward to the next one.
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