Week 1 was perfect, no problems.
Week 2 was a complete wash...instead of 16 hours and a race, I did a pathetic 9 hours of training and no race. (My motivation was gone. It was a terrible week)
Week 3 was salvaged by doing the scheduled runs on the elliptical machine. I didn't do hills or tempo, just endurance...tempo on the elliptical is near impossible.
Week 4, my recovery week is going well besides the fact that my diet has been gross...I don't know whats wrong with me. I think things will start to get better now that I can run again. My mental state is greatly affected by my running or lack there of.
Week 3 and 4 were also shifted around because I started working exclusively at TWD so I had to change my long ride day since I now work on a Saturday. The base 3 schedule will reflect this change.
The only other change is that I substituted surfing for a couple of the less important swims! (hey, its still a great ab, back and arm workout...)
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