Now I have the confidence that I can race the iron-distance, not just ride it. Before I knew I could handle riding 112 miles with my heart rate between 145-155, now if I wanted to push into zone 3 or 4 for parts of the race, I know I can. I was holding a heart rate between 160-165 for big chunks of time riding that last 50miles.
I actually wanted to ride home but I didn't want to ride alone after that much mileage, and it had started thunder storming. I ended up riding for a total of 7 hours. I burned a little over 5000calories, and my average speed was 17.6. That speed includes slowing down for others to catch up and cruising down to the food tent etc. So I'm thinking it was faster. I watch my computer a lot and saw speeds between 17-22mph mostly and a bit of 22-25mph when we had nice head winds :)
The guys at the shop are talking about doing a 150mile ride two weekends from now, so I'll get my goal! That will be awesome...incredible...who ever imagined that I could ride a bike 150miles!! Now if only I could run this well....
Hi there- I felt compelled to comment on your blog- I did a search for "Posterior tibialis tendonitis Newton running shoes" on Google and your blog came up. I suffered from peroneal tendonitis for over a year now and just recently switched to the Newton’s. Now, instead of the outside of my ankle hurting when I run, the inside hurts, which is totally frustrating. I love the Newton's, but I can’t help thinking they are the cause of the "new" ankle pain. Are you still wearing the Newton’s? Good luck with the IM training! If it's any help, I did IM AZ in April 08 with the majority of my "running" on the elliptical due to the ankle injury. I finished faster then my goal time with no problems- I was amazed actually! It would have been great to train and race it w/o the injury though!
Colleen, I'm not wearing the Newtons because of the plantar fasciitis, I'm scared to have it reoccur if I go back to them. What did you do for your peroneal tendonitis? Thats what I think I have now. Its terrible. How much elliptical training did you do? Did you feel the injury in the race? I'd love your advice on how much "run" training is enough. I'm so worried that I don't finish.
Hi Kim,
I'd love to chat with you more about this but I don't want to take up gobs of space on your blog (it's a long story, LOL!)- if you want e-mail me at, although my peroneal tendonitis is better, I can't say it's gone for good, unfortunately!
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