Friday, June 20, 2008


I skipped my swim and my strength training today and I feel like crap. I just wanted to get that off my chest. I hate when I skip workouts, but sometimes I just want to be at home and catch up on all the stuff I never get to. But the whole time I'm doing what I think I want to be doing I'm upset because I'm missing my workout and I beat myself up about it. Such a conundrum...I'm never going to make it to that finish line in November if I skip workouts!! AAAGGGHHHH...I should have gone to the pool.

I'm going to change the subject....I got a new job, and I love it! I work at my favourite bike shop, and all though I don't feel like I know anything about bikes, I'm trying to learn as fast as I can. I feel a little useless when I'm there right now, but when a customer comes in that I can help it feels great! People are always happy when they are there. I'm trying to jump on the bike building train soon too, I think it would be bad ass if I knew how to build bikes. It would help me remember all the differences between them if I had to put them together also. The down side to this is that I now want to own half the bikes in the store, and its looking unlikely that my career choices are ever going to make me rich and famous....the upside is that I'm working with a couple Ironman athletes and I'm hoping that all their greatness will rub off on me!

From what I hear Bree Wee (awesome, super hardcore triathlete) worked in a bike shop......just thought I'd throw that out there....

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