Friday, May 16, 2008

Getting back into training & trying Newton running shoes

I've been such a slacker since White Lake, but this week I'm making progress towards resuming my normal training schedule. My 10mile total running goal was a success last week, so I'm going for 11 this week. Slow and steady. My hip hurts a little after I run but I stretch, take ibuprofen and drink Hammer Nutrition's Recoverite (its awesome!!) and normally feel better a little later on. Hopefully this combination will work all season.
Tomorrow is the Surf N Turf Super Sprint in Surf City. Its fun little race, last year I was 3rd in my age group. It consists of a 750m ocean swim, 4mi bike, 2mi run, 4mi bike, 1mi though. Its done before you can blink. After this weekend I have to devote some major time to the pool for the next 2 weeks before the Low Country Splash in Charleston (2.4mile swim).
I am currently selling my Asics Kinsei and Nimbus shoes on ebay because I've decided to try something totally new. I have been running in my Adidas Boston Racers (racing flats basically) and trying to focus on running on the balls of my feet (Pose Method). I started reading about Newton Running Shoes online, and evidently they are designed to help you run more efficiently...which means on the balls of the feet. SO....after days of research and contemplation I decided to dish out the $175 (yes you read that right, one hundred and seventy five dollars) to try out the shoes. I called Newton and they said I have 30days to wear them, destroy them, get them filthy and return them for a full refund if I don't love them....that I think is a good deal. I'm so tired of being injured and trying to learn how to run all over again, and from what I've been reading these shoes are supposed to help. I will write a full shoe review as soon I have some miles logged on them.

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